Sawmill Artisan Village (Building B)
Under our previous company name Garrett Smith Ltd., we and Dekker Parrich Sabatini were chosen to design the “Artisan Village,” this phase of the Sawmill Community Land Trust Development.
PacifiCap is a developer based in Portland, Oregon that has developed projects in many of the western states and specifically in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. They develop a variety of housing types with low-income and special needs components.
The Artisan Village phase of the development will provide 180 housing units along with commercial development, retail, restaurants, and artist studio space.
We were selected to design Building B, a mixed use building with 11,158 SF of retail / commercial space at ground level and 19,560 SF of 2-bedroom apartments on two levels above. We also designed two- and three-bedroom townhomes and created a master plan developing the southern boundary and connecting to the adjacent Sawmill neighborhood.
SCLT is a private nonprofit corporation created to acquire and hold land for the benefit of the community and provide secure affordable access to land, housing and jobs for community residents.