UNM School of Architecture and Planning Alumni Chapter Plans Upcoming Events
The UNM SAAP Alumni Chapter’s Mission: SA+P Alumni Chapter will engage all alumni with opportunities for networking, community involvement, advocacy and support of the School or Architecture and Planning and the diverse cultures of our community.
Our principal, Elizabeth Suina, is a proud alumni of the University of New Mexico’s School of Architecture and Planning. She received bother her Bachelor’s and Masters in Architecture from UNM in 2009 and has since stayed involved as an Alumni as well as an adjunct professor. She serves as Finance Chair in the UNM SAAP Alumni Chapter and regularly helps plan events.
Recently the UNM SAAP Alumni Chapter has planned 2 upcoming events for 2020. These events include:
“Grad Bash Celebration” ideas for which include a visit to Albuquerque AX followed by the Craftroom, second suggestion is Innovative ABQ and a tour of FUSE makerspace, third is a tour of the Sawmill district and Ponderosa brewing after. Additionally plans are in the works for a tour of the Meteorite Museum + a Mars Virtual Reality Experience.
A photo from the chapter officer’s meeting earlier this month