Cochiti Wellness Center

Elizabeth Suina with her previous company CORE, Ltd. was contracted to provide architectural services for Cochiti Pueblo's new health clinic.

Cochiti Pueblo is a small pueblo with a variety of health service requirements.  The types of services provided vary from general men's and women's clinic to specialty diabetes and podiatry clinics.  The dental clinic will also be located in the new facility including expanded areas for new equipment and storage.  The new clinic will provide new larger exam rooms, a new triage room, pharmacy and consultation room. 

The new clinic also provides more privacy for patients.  This was an important factor regarding new patient regulations and confidentiality.  The new clinic design allows for a larger patient registration and medical records area.  Because the dental clinic has a separate clinic schedule from general medical, a distinct access corridor was provided to the dental wing. 

Medical staff offices are also provided whereas before, the doctor's utilized one of the three meager exam rooms for reporting and consultation telephone calls.  This caused delayed patient visits and impedance of treatment.  The new clinic is designed to accommodate more than one clinic (i.e. women's and well child) simultaneously.  The previous clinic could barely house one particular clinic per day.  The new clinic also provides for EMS services and a separate medical evacuation access route to allow for rapid transfer to local hospitals.  The Wellness Center is located within close proximity to the Cochiti Senior Center, the Community Center and Post Office and is centrally located within the pueblo and along existing pedestrian routes.

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