Arroyo Del Oso Elementary School
Located in a suburban neighborhood of Albuquerque, Arroyo del Oso was originally designed in 1974 as an “open classroom” where the entire school is a singular, open space with only low partitions separating one area from another. The school, organized around a central outdoor atrium, has since experienced a number of piecemeal modifications, including the permanent, walled separation of classrooms and other activity areas.
Garrett Smith Ltd (GSL). firstly created the Master Plan and designed many site modifications addressing safety issues regarding dangerous parking and drop-off areas and problematic drainage conditions. A new kindergarten classroom addition was created with a secure courtyard for play, while the old building received ADA and restroom upgrades, a new entry front, and portable classrooms for relocation and removal. GSL also planned new administrative and workroom areas and a substantial classroom addition for future development.
Two separate drop-off zones were created: one for the Kindergarten and one for Grades 1-5. With this came the opportunity to integrate a new city park which lies just south of the school as well as to make the school more visible from the neighborhood with the use of lowered parking lots, raised site walls, and the extension of existing parapets.